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Author: Harlequins Orienteering

Old Hills

Old Hills

A small area with limited parking but it is great fun for a Local event. A Country Park with adjoining (provate) woodlands. It has rough grassland, scattered trees, gorse scrub, large area of mature woodland fields and parkland. There is one large hill, the reat of the area is gently sloping. Some unpleasant undergrowth that can be avoided in the planning / route choice. Events held in earlier years:

Malvern Hills

Malvern Hills

We have three mapped areas along the ridge of the Malvern Hills, all of them able to support Regional events if car parking can be secured. From North to South these are: The Malvern Commoners are very supportive. There are several other areas close by, including Malvern itself, Malvern Common, Castlemorton Common, Hollybed Common to the South with Eastnor and Frith Wood to the North.

Malvern Common

Malvern Common

Used for Introductory and other Local events. There are areas of rough grassland, park and copse, with paths, tracks and roads. Located on the eastern edge of the Malvern hills but gently sloping. Events held in earlier years:



An urban area with plenty of variety – everything from parks, formal private gardens, sports grounds to common land and urban streets. Scroll down to see a location map, map snippet, infromation from previous events and some photos. Events held in earlier years:

Lickey Hills

Lickey Hills

A Country Park very popular with Birmingham residents; good visitors centre with play equipment, toilets, cafe etc. Curently “owned” by COBOC but often “borrowed” by HOC for Local events. Can be very confusing; the combination of multiple paths, ditches and steep slopes with mixed woodland is tricky. The Northern part of the area (separated by a fast and dangerous road) can be used for small Local events and is known as Beacon Hill. Events held in earlier years: