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Category: Area

Pop ups from area maps

Dudmaston (Comer Woods)

Dudmaston (Comer Woods)

Events held in earlier years: National Trust site based on a pleasant wooded valley containing a series of lakes, some areas of rhododendron, some parkland. Used for both Regional and Winter Evening Events. There is a Permanent Orienteering Course; the map shows all the posts and has some suggested courses of varying length and difficulty.

Croft Castle

Croft Castle

National Trust site with a mixture of parkland, fields and an extensive wooded valley. POC A ridge with very steep north facing scarp and gentle dip slopes. A large valley with medieval fish ponds. An iron age fort with excellent views. On the common there are dew ponds and lots of half timbered houses; the grassland near the Castle has some really ancient sweet chestnuts. Last used for a large event in 2013 when rare fauna caused last minute access…

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Clent Hills

Clent Hills

National Trust hills with a mixture of heath, plantation and low naturally seeded oak. Adjacent to Hagley Wood (private plantation) and Walton Hill. Spectacular bluebells in spring and very good views over the Birmingham conurbation & Worcester/Shropshire Hills all year round. It is steep in places, with lots of paths and re-entrants. Generally runnable but suffers from bracken in summer. In recent years it has been used for local events ranging from from the annual June Jaunter to Summer Series,…

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Cannon Hill Park

Cannon Hill Park

Public park. A fast and flat orienteering area; the southern part has rough grassland, old hedge lines and rugby pitches. The northern part is an ornamental town park with bandstand, arts centre, boating lake and flower beds. The small areas of woodland can catch you out with the change in orienteering style. A good area for Summer Evening, Schools and Introductory events. Events held in earlier years:

Callow Hill

Callow Hill

Lovely area of mixed woodland (beech, oak and conifers), although the brambles can be fearsome in parts of this wood during the warmer months. Steepsided stream valleys and flat plateaus in between with lots of reentrants offer a true orienteering challenge and the extensive path network makes the area sutable for introductory events too. The visitor centre and cafe have a play area, toilets and room that can be hired. Permanent Orienteering Course with a map showing all the posts…

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Burlish Top (& Rifle Ranges)

Burlish Top (& Rifle Ranges)

This area is now large enough to be used for a West Midland League event. It includes a former golf course in the south; Burlish Top was a WW2 US military training camp and hospital (remains of concrete road and building foundations are still visible), while the Rifle Range in the north was used in WW1. The vegetation is a mix of heath and acid grassland, surrounded by oak and birch scrub, and the terrain mainly gently undulating but with…

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