Orange1 Valerie Bell 42.40
2 Kath Graham
1 Russ Fauset 43.55
2 Dave Williams 47.17
3 Peter Langmaid 51.11
4 John Sherwood 51.35
5 Ruth Lockley 59.04
6 Alison Sloman 65.57
7 Steve Nightingale 77.41
1 Mike Baggott 58.24
2 Barry McGowan 61.58
3 Ian Hopkins 62.06
4 Bob Scott 70.56
5 Judith Taylor 90.11
When Dave twisted my arm, to plan this event. After initially planning 25 sites and getting the maps printed.
I had to revise the number on the day. (I had taken nearly an hour to locate one site.) Also after measuring
the optimum route choice for all controls, I found it to be in excess of 9 km.I was really pleased to see Ian back, (first out) having enjoyed his run, finding all his controls, in just over
the hour. Val was out 43 mins. So I think I got it about right?Mike was a worthy winner his time included all 19 controls (even 14). Steve fell foul of the local pranksters
in the park. Thanks to all who helped collect in controls. The worst job when organising any event.George Chambers