The entry fee will be GBP 9 (£9) per person per day (GBP 24 (£24) for all three days).
At this rate we will be able to make a suitable contribution to the orienteering clubs to cover maps, mapping, land access fees, toilets and other facilites and just break even.
There will be a £1 per day for car parking (to local charity)
Entry fees will be payable, in Cash (GBP) upon arrival on Day 1
Please as soon as possible, send email containing the following information
For your team or party:
- Contact Name (aka Team Leader)
- Contact Email Address
- Contact Postal Address
- Given Name
- Family Name
- Class Entered as per IARU standard
- Callsign or orienteering number
- Radio or Orienteering Club Abbreviation
- SportIdent Chip Number (if no personal SI chip write HIRE - the cost will be £1. If you are running ARDF and Orienteering on the same day we hope you will be able to use the same SI chip twice - this is to be confirmed.)
- Days entered (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3)
- Wishing to run orienteering race as well (days 2 and 3)? This is not guaranteed possible - depends on the start and finish being close to the car parking. We will allocate an early ARDF start and a 'free-time' orienteering start.
- Any special requests