The League co-ordinator is
Barry Houghton
These events are intended as a good introduction to Night Orienteering for the newcomer, but will still be competitive for others. There will be a mixture of relatively easy controls on line features, such as paths, fences, ditches etc. and more difficult controls for the more experienced night orienteers. The line feature controls help considerably for relocation and will normally allow the opportunity to go for some of the other controls. Controls will have different point values depending on their difficulty or distance.
The time for starts is typically 18:00 to 19:00 but it does depend on when it gets dark! If cloudy the first runner normally can go off 10 minutes after "The end of Civil Twilight".
It is hoped for future seasons to hold about 5 events each Winter at approximately monthly intervals.
Volunteers to organise and plan events are very welcome and will receive
25 points for their efforts. Volunteers please contact Barry Houghton.
Rules (Updated October 2007)
- For each correct control you will be awarded the points as noted on the control description sheet.
- For each minute or part thereof that you take more than the 60 minutes allowed, 10 points will be deducted.
- If you take more than 75 minutes you will be disqualified.
- The leading man and lady on each event will be awarded 25 points, the second 22 points, third 20 points, thereafter one point will be deducted for each lower place and so on.
- Anyone taking part will be awarded at least one point, unless disqualified.
- In the event of any ties the person who takes the least time will be awarded the higher position.
- The Planner/Organiser for each event will be awarded 25 points towards their league position. (Only one award of 25 points available per event).
- Your best n – 1 scores out of the n events will be used to determine your league position. (Where n = the number of events held in the season).
- Where there are ties in the league table, the league position is worked out by reference to number of classes away from M/W21
a. The further away from M/W 21 the higher the league position
b. eg an M45 would beat an M18 but not an M14, M45 is 3 classes away from M21, M18 is two away but M14 is four away.
- The leading points scorers, Men and Ladies, at the end of the season will be WEE Champions.
Barry Houghton October 2007