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Last update 11 Apr 2011
Night Street League

Note new dates for the last two events - Handsworth Wood Thu 17 Mar, Malvern Thu 24 Mar

During the dark autumn and winter weekday nights Harlequins put on the Night Street League (NSL). This is street orienteering - in the dark. The highlight of most NSL years is the Bewdley International Mountain Marathon (BIMM) organised by Russ Fauset. Having exhausted all that Bewdley has to offer, the BIMM has in recent years moved further afield to such classic urban-O terrain as Venice, London and, er, Droitwich.

The NSL Coordinator presents the trophies to the 2010-11 winners: Short winner Medium winner Long winner

Final 2010-11 league table

2010 - 2011 Programme

  Date Venue Organiser Details Results
1 Tue 9 Nov Worcester Brian Hughes Results
2 Thu 25 Nov West Bromwich Adrian Bailey Results
3 Thu 02 Dec Erdington Andy Hemsted Postponed to 17 Feb
4 Thu 16 Dec Selly Park/Harborne Alison Sloman Results
5 Thu 13 Jan Kings Norton (partial new area) John Embrey Results
6 Thu 20 Jan Stourbridge Robert Vickers Results
3 (rescheduled) Thu 17 Feb Erdington Andy Hemsted Results
7 Thu 17 Mar (new date) Handsworth Wood Andy & Marian White Results
8 Thu 24 Mar (new date) Malvern Lester Hartmann Results


  1. There will be 3 courses at each event. Short around 3-4km, Medium 5–8km, Long 8km or more
  2. There will be a trophy awarded for the winner on each of the three courses during the season. The winner will be determined by the best 6 scores over the series
  3. The winner of the Long course also wins the coveted title of "Harlequin Night Street League Champion"
  4. This is a street competition not night orienteering. The majority of events should take place in towns, streets or on paths. Short, safe stretches in open country where powerful torches are not needed may be acceptable, but must not become the norm. If competitors are sent outside towns the organizer should consider the safety of possible route choices
  5. The planner scores 10 points and may allocate his/her points to the course of his choice
  6. The winner on each course scores 10 points, second 9 points and so on. In the unlikely event of a tie in an event, both competitors receive the higher score, with the next competitor scoring two points less
  7. If there is a tie at the end of the season then the competitor with more scores of 10 on his/her course wins the trophy. If there is still a tie the most scores of 9 determines and so on
  8. Under no circumstances may points be transferred between courses. A competitor must make it clear which course he is running before starting an event
  9. In unusual circumstances (e.g competitors not finding a control, controls being vandalised) it will be the planner's discretion to revise times or placings. (As a general principle planners try their best to ensure no one is disqualified and come away with no points)
  10. In the event of a dispute the NSL Coordinator will make a ruling
  11. In the even more unlikely event that this ruling is not acceptable, appeal may be made to the Club Captain, or (if the NSL Coordinator and Club Captain are one and the same) the Club Chairman.
  12. Start times are normally 6.30 - 7.30pm but may be altered at the planner's discretion
  13. In exceptional circumstances the planner may allow a competitor who cannot make the official event to run at a different time. The result will only stand if the run takes place in the same week (Monday to Friday) as the official event. This is entirely at the discretion of the planner and competitors must not expect this by right


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The normal time for starts is 6:30 to 7:30pm, in order to avoid the worst of the rush hour traffic. Earlier starts will be available at some events and may possibly be negotiated by individuals at others.

Short (around 4km), Medium (around 6km) and Long (around 9km) courses are available. Trophies are awarded for overall winners on each course at the end of the season.

Events use urban streets and paths, with the occasional stretch of open space or canal towpath. A headlight or torch is often useful, particularly for the longer courses, but it doesn't need to be particularly powerful - enough to see your footing and read the map.

Participants are responsible for their own safety and take part at their own risk. Courses may cross main roads and some reflective clothing is advisable.

Previous Seasons

2009-2010 page
2009/2010 season league table
2008-2009 page
2008/2009 season league table
2007-2008 page
2007/2008 season league table
2006-2007 page
2006/2007 season league table
2005-2006 page
2005/2006 season league table
2004/2005 season league table
2003/2004 season league table

The nerve centre of the 2010 BIMM Russ Fauset in charge at the 2010 BIMM event centre.

control kite at night street lamp control
night street scene
street lamp