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Author: Harlequins Orienteering

Saturday 19th June, Morton Stanley Park

Saturday 19th June, Morton Stanley Park

The fourth event in our Summer Series will be held on Saturday 19th June at Morton Stanley Park, Redditch. Details are available here and via the Club Events and Summer Series pages. Please read them carefully, and note the arrangements for entering (no entries on the day).

Springtime in Shropshire results

Springtime in Shropshire results

Preliminary results and a link to Routegadget for the event are now available on the Springtime in Shropshire website. These will be finalised and a list of Midland Champions provided as soon as possible. We hope that everyone who came to the event enjoyed themselves in the beautiful weather. Hopefully we will be back in 2023 with something more like a normal, multiday SINS.

10th June Burlish Top and Burlish Meadows

10th June Burlish Top and Burlish Meadows

The third event in our Summer Series will be held on Thursday 10th June at Burlish Top and Burlish Meadows, south of Kidderminster. Burlish Meadows is a former golf course now being developed as a Nature Reserve and has been newly mapped for this event. Details are available here and via the Club Events and Summer Series pages. Please read them carefully, and note the arrangements for entering (no entries on the day).

27th May Habberley Valley

27th May Habberley Valley

The next event in our Summer Series will be held on Thursday 27th May at Habberley Valley. Details are now available here and via the Club Events and Summer Series pages. Please read them carefully, and note the arrangements for entering (no entries on the day).

SinS entry now open

SinS entry now open

Entries for Springtime in Shropshire (Midland Championships, 30th May) are now open on Fabian4. Because numbers are restricted entries are initially limited to members of the WMOA, EMOA and EAOA. Information about which course to enter to be eligible for the Midland Championships is here.

2020 Club Championships, 26th June

2020 Club Championships, 26th June

Another date for your diary – this one for HOC members only. This event was postponed because of Covid19 but will now be held on the 26th June at Hartlebury Common. More details will be posted here. Hopefully 2021 will be the year of two club championships!