Run for your Club

Run for your Club

Orienteering is both an individual and a team sport. At every event you are testing yourself against the course planner, the terrain you are in and against others on the same course. But at many events you can also contribute to club success.  The opportunities described below are open to orienteers all ages; there are further competitions dedicated to Juniors.

Within the West Midlands region, Harlequins compete against other clubs in the Laurie Bradley New Years Day Score and the CompassSport Trophy.  The West Midlands League is both an inter-club competion and an individual one within age classes.

Running in a relay team is great fun and the club fields both highly competitive teams and those that just want to enjoy the experience.  The West Midlands Relays are an ideal introduction to the format.  The club also enters teams at the British Championships, The Jan Kellstrom Easter festival of orienteering and the Harvester Overnight relay.

For the relay teams and CompassSport Trophy the Club Captain rounds up entries, via email, social media and the forum; their contact details are on the Who’s Who page if you’d like to know more.  For the Laurie Bradley Score all you have to do is turn up on the day, and for the West Midlands League your results will count automatically if you enter one of your designated courses – the full rules are on the West Midlands website..

Finally, the HOC league is a season long individual competition, but it runs over all the events where members are representing their club.

Entry Fee Subsidies:

Without the many hours of volunteer effort from our members, entry fees to HOC events would be much higher.  To recognise this the club subsidises members’ entries to some competitions

  • Half price entry for helpers at HOC Regional events.
  • 50% of Senior entry to CompassSport Cup competitions, 100% of Junior entries.
  • 50% of Senior entry and 100% of Junior entry to the following Relay competitions where you are representing HOC:
    • British Relay Championships
    • Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival Relays
    • Harvester Relays
    • Peter Palmer Junior Relays
  • A Senior both representing the club and helping at one of these events qualifies for a 100% subsidy

This policy is subject to review by the Committee to ensure that it is financially sustainable.