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Author: Harlequins Orienteering

2021 CompassSport Cup/Trophy final in Sutton Park?

2021 CompassSport Cup/Trophy final in Sutton Park?

The 2020 final – cancelled due to Covid 19 – was to have been held in Sutton Park. An update from Peter Guillame, the competition co-ordinator, is that negotiations are ongoing for Sutton Park on 17th October 2021. Fingers crossed we’ll have the opportunity to defend our 2019 trophy on (almost) home ground.

Baggeridge Summer Series

Baggeridge Summer Series

Details of the first Summer Series event of the new season have now been released! 17th April at Baggeridge. We are all looking forward to getting back to organised orieenteering, but it is essential that all participants read and follow the Participant Code of Conduct, and read the details for each event carefully to see what constraints or requirements may be in place. See you (socially distanced) at Baggeridge!

Haden Hill – the solution

Haden Hill – the solution

This caused much scratching of heads and debate on the forum. Check out the solution and the results – the solution shows the incorrect controls in blue, with the associated legs as blue dashed lines. Three perfect ‘runs’ from Pete R, Andy H and Alison – will they be able to repeat this on the ground as the sport opens up?!

Website launch

Website launch

As I hope you can see, we have a refreshed website! Any problems blame me (Marian). Credit to Mike Farrington for the clever stuff, Peter Rose, Mandy Mackereth and Andy W for their guidance and Peter & Babs for proof reading.

COVID19 Update

COVID19 Update

Return to Orienteering Guidance – England British Orienteering has produced the latest Back to Orienteering Guidance for England. With the current lockdown restrictions being eased across all areas of England as the country moves to Step 1 of the Government’s roadmap later this month. This will mean that organised outdoor orienteering, including competitions and coaching, can resume in England from Monday 29 March 2021. British Orienteering We will continue to work to put on events within the guidance, while recognising that…

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Haden Hill Photo-O

Haden Hill Photo-O

Peter Langmaid has compiled a fiendish challenge using the map of his local area, Haden Hill Park.  Your task is to mark the controls on the orienteering map using only the photographic clues. Answers to be emailed to Peter by the end of February. Some extra hints and Peter’s email address are on the forum. Good hunting!