
Lower Hartlebury Common Results

Lower Hartlebury Common Results

Edited 22nd Jan: Results now have the loop times added! Thanks Charlie. (If you still see the original ones then “refresh” to update your device’s cache.) They are available as a pdf file here or scroll down to view them on screen. Hopefully you all enjoyed this morning’s mini event and thankfully the weather warmed up a little although it didn’t feel like it at times. Many thanks to Brian for his excellent map, to John P for helping manage…

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Banners Gate results

Banners Gate results

Provisional results are here. Comments from two satisfied customers: Thank you James!! Such a good event, my first night in Sutton Park. A well planned course, easy for us slower runners to pick a loop and still have plenty to go at, but also enough for tonight’s supremos Eloise Lee & Chris Mc Cartney!! Thanks James, and thanks to Alison for the map. I think that this corner of Sutton Park has some real ‘wilderness’ bits, and I was VERY…

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Bodenham and Shatterford Results

Bodenham and Shatterford Results

Planner’s Comments I enjoyed my days in the forest, and was pleased to be able to plan courses on an area which was new to all non-Harlequins. It was challenging though: there is no clear path structure, so the White and Yellow had to use the fences. Shatterford Wood is interesting, but it was difficult planning the technical courses because of the steep-sided watercourses. Planning the Orange was fine! Working to Forestry rulings meant that I had to do some…

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Alvechurch results and NSL table

Alvechurch results and NSL table

The results of the latest Night Street League, sponsored by Santa, are available as a pdf here or scroll down to view them on screen. The Night Street League table after 3 events is also available as a pdf and below on screen. League co-ordinator John Leeson says: The first three NSL events of the 2023/24 series have attracted a total of 38 different club and guest runners who have enjoyed very differnt terrain from the canals and nightlife of…

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