Annual accounts are by the Treasurer and independently reviewed before being submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval. Details can be found in the minutes of each AGM.
Our income comes from membership fees and from surpluses created by events organised by the club. Membership fees are set annually at the AGM.
The major items are:
- Mapping,
- Purchase, maintenance and insurance of equipment,
- Expenses incurred by volunteers. Members are encouarged to use the Expenses form which includes guidance on what can be claimed.
Entry Fee Subsidies:
Without the many hours of volunteer effort from our members, entry fees to HOC events would be much higher. To recognise this the club subsidises members’ entries to some competitions
- Half price entry for helpers at HOC Regional events.
- 50% of Senior entry to CompassSport Cup competitions, 100% of Junior entries.
- 50% of Senior entry and 100% of Junior entry to the following Relay competitions where you are representing HOC:
- British Relay Championships
- Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival Relays
- Harvester Relays
- Peter Palmer Junior Relays
- A Senior both representing the club and helping at one of these events qualifies for a 100% subsidy
This policy is subject to review by the Committee to ensure that it is financially sustainable.