Aston results

Aston results

Organiser James says:

First of all I hope that the issues we had with the GPS didn’t distract from your enjoyment. It was great to some regulars as well as some newbies.

So, another NSL and another NSL win for Richard with managing a clean sweep with four minutes to spare. Is anyone going to stop him from taking a clean sweep this season? Good Run by Simon as well who was also close to a full score had he not made an small error heading for controls he’d already collected.

Eloise once again was the first Woman home as well finishing third overhaul. Special mentions to Dave and newcomer George (who’s Surname I obviously can’t spell when writing the Attendance Sheet) – both had decent runs as well.

Winner of the “Andy White Bollard Award” went to his namesake Andy Howman. Who would’ve thought those bollards would be so dangerous.

Many Thanks to everyone who came, it was great seeing where people went on their runs afterwards in the Sack of Potatoes (who I also must thank for letting them to use as an event centre).

Hopefully another NSL in City Centre next year?

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