2022/23 Night Street League Champions are…..

2022/23 Night Street League Champions are…..

  • Women’s open- Eloise Lee
  • Women’s Vets- Phil Dolphin, followed by Mandy Mackereth
  • Women’s Supervets- Jenny Uff
  • Men’s Open- Richard Price- followed narrowly by Simon Lanckham and James Thomas
  • Men’s vets- John Leeson- just ahead of Robert Rose who was followed closely by Peter Langmaid
  • Men’s Supervets- Robert Vickers followed closely by Russ Fauset

Series Co-ordinator John reports:

I am grateful to the organisers of this season’s Night Street League events who attracted a total of 69 runners to their events with 106 individual runs in all. It was great to see some familiar faces as well as some newcomers, and members from other local clubs, attracted by the range of events that we put on.

I think it’s fair to say that the MapRun format is working well for this style of event and is keeping down the workload of the planners, although that is in no way to diminish the work that they put in.

Each of the first four events was followed by an enjoyable pub meal accompanied by plenty of MapRun scrutiny. The finale was based out of Kerstin & Martin’s factory and Martin had slaved over a hot stove to produce two large vats of delicious soup- very welcome after running on a cold winter evening! We are very grateful for their hospitality.

The speed and accuracy of our younger members, and their guests, continues to impress with runners like Eloise Lee, Richard Price and Simon Lanckham regularly clocking up 13km whilst staying within the one hour time limit. Simon’s accuracy and map-reading continues to improve and I fully expect next year to be quite a tussle between him and Richard Price, who just pipped Simon to keep the Open Men’s Trophy for the third year, with James Thomas close behind them. Eloise continues to impress and retained her Women’s Open trophy by some margin. Phil Dolphin put together a very solid set of results to take the Women’s Veterans trophy and Jenny Uff retained the Supervets trophy.

John Leeson retained the Men’s Veterans trophy, just ahead of Robert Rose & Peter Langmaid. Superveterans Robert Vickers and Russ Fauset both acquitted themselves well at the three events they both attended and Robert came out on top and keeps his trophy.

Looking ahead to the 2023/4 season, I have already had offers to put on events in Bromsgrove and to return to Kingswinford, so please get your thinking caps on and have a play with Open O Map and MapRun and maybe try a little personal event over the summer, before putting one on next winter.

John Leeson

And the full league table:

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