Marvelous Map evening – 7th February

Marvelous Map evening – 7th February

At last, an event that you can do in your slippers, with a glass of wine within easy reach!  Andy H is organising an online Zoom Map Evening at 8pm on Monday 7th Feb, and ALL HOC members are invited. There will be examples from Postensplain, and also examples from the JK Areas (Easter) of Clydach Terrace and of Pwll Du. There will be an explanation of ‘aiming-off’, plus some discussion of contours. We might even have a game or two before we finish at about 9.30pm.  All members will receive a Zoom invitation, along with some map segments that they can look at beforehand.

If you don’t receive this invite, check your spam folders and make sure that the email address you use for membership is still up to date – any queries, contact Mandy via membership @, removing the spaces.

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