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Handicap factors

Handicap factors

With the Club Championships this weekend on a brand new area, the (in)famous Bert Pardoe factors have now been released for 2022. These are key to the outcome of the battle for this trophy. Last year David W achieved the rare, possibly unique, distinction of winning both Men’s Open and the Handicap. Can anyone repeat that this year? Some explanation of the various trophies on offer can be found here, but the inner workings of the handicap system is known…

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Highgate Common results and comments

Highgate Common results and comments

That was close! For the men Jason managed to clear all the controls, thus proving the planning was almost right, unfortunately he went slightly over time handing the lead to David Williams, who missed one control out but was in time. Arthur Mitchell was pushing them hard with 20 controls and time to spare! Very well done to all. For the Ladies Eloise smashed the field with a massive 19 controls with just 5 seconds to spare. She was one…

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Aston results

Aston results

Organiser James says: First of all I hope that the issues we had with the GPS didn’t distract from your enjoyment. It was great to some regulars as well as some newbies. So, another NSL and another NSL win for Richard with managing a clean sweep with four minutes to spare. Is anyone going to stop him from taking a clean sweep this season? Good Run by Simon as well who was also close to a full score had he…

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Arrow Valley 19th November – new date

Arrow Valley 19th November – new date

Our Saturday local event in Arrow Valley Country park has moved back a week to the 19th November. One course with a 60 minute time limit – but you can miss out controls to make your route shorter or easier! Full details are below, or click here for a link to the pdf file.

King’s Heath NSL results and comments

King’s Heath NSL results and comments

Results and Maprun results from our Night Street League event on Thursday 27th October at Kings Heath, Birmingham are here. Planner / Organiser (and series co-ordinator) John reports: In complete contrast to the icy start to last year’s NSL series in the streets of St John’s in Worcester, the opening event of the 2022/23 series took place on an unseasonably mild night in King’s Heath, where I was very comfortable sitting in a cabin outside the Red Lion pub waiting…

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