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Night Street League champions

Night Street League champions

Congratulations to our 2021/2022 series winners: Women’s open – Eloise Lee Men’s Open – Richard Price Women’s Vets – Phil Dolphin Men’s Vets – John Leeson Women’s Super Vets – Jenny Uff Men’s Super Vets – Robert Vickers Series co-ordinator John Leeson says: HOC Night Street League 2021-22- Final Results After HOC’s 2020-2021 Night Street League (NSL) was decimated by the coronavirus epidemic, we managed to put on a full series of events in 2021-22, despite uncertainties at the beginning…

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Congratulations to Alison, W85 British Orienteering Champion 2022, and to HOC’s Dream Team of Barry Houghton, Lesley Brown and Andy Hemsted, 2nd in the M/W70 relay – fantastic stuff. A few pictures below; some of them credit to Rob Lines.

Winter Evening Event Final

Winter Evening Event Final

The final event in this year’s season takes place on the 24th February at Burlish Top – details here. To guarantee a map email the organiser before midnight on 21st February, and do please read about the unusual hazards in the Risk Assessment. In the Women’s league it is very tight at the top, with Mandy, Kerstin and Eloise all possible champions. The Men’s competition is already decided, but with David W organising who will win on the night?