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Winter Evening league update

Winter Evening league update

With one event left it’s wide open in the women’s competition, with Kerstin leading Mandy by just one point. Eloise is a little behind but has an event in hand….. follow this link for the full table. The final event is on the 24th February at Burlish Top – details will be on the WEE page. For the men, this is the ideal opportunity to score top points – David W is still undefeated but will be planning this one!

Postensplain Results

Postensplain Results

We hope you enjoyed Sunday’s CompassSport Cup / Trophy heat. The results, and comments from all the officials, are now available from the Latest Results page. Congratulations to NGOC for their win in the Cup, and to HOC and WRE for qualifying for the final in the Trophy competition. And a huge thank you to everyone who made this event finally happen.

Dudmaston WEE Results

Dudmaston WEE Results

The results from last night’s excellent run around Comer Woods, Dudmaston are now live here. “What a great team we have. So many willing volunteers. Everyone worked really well and all controls in and packed away in record time, so we could get to Tony’s Diner in time for a meal. So many helped, I can’t remember exactly who now, so many thanks to you all for your efforts and thanks also to Andy H for providing the First Aid…

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Postensplain Final Details

Postensplain Final Details

The final details are now available from the Club Events page or here: details in pdf format and here: details in Word format.The links to further pages from the pdf version may not work so are provided below and on the Club Events page: Start List Blank map Live results Event rules

Marvelous Map evening – 7th February

Marvelous Map evening – 7th February

At last, an event that you can do in your slippers, with a glass of wine within easy reach!  Andy H is organising an online Zoom Map Evening at 8pm on Monday 7th Feb, and ALL HOC members are invited. There will be examples from Postensplain, and also examples from the JK Areas (Easter) of Clydach Terrace and of Pwll Du. There will be an explanation of ‘aiming-off’, plus some discussion of contours. We might even have a game or…

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Latest Results

Latest Results

The results from Saltwells, and the league table after 4 events, are both linked from the Winter Evening Events page. And yesterday’s Western Night League results are here; organiser Rhys says: Thank you to all those who attended the WNL yesterday – a good turn out and lovely clearevening with a bit of a wind on the summit. Some great performances – well done, hope thecourse enabled you to manage the amount of climb you completed! Apologies for theconfusion around…

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Final call CompassSport Trophy entries

Final call CompassSport Trophy entries

On the 13th February at Postensplain we are hosting a qualifying round of the CompassSport Cup/Trophy. Captain Kerstin needs your entries by TODAY 28th January, so if you haven’t already, email her NOW! The scoring system means that every runner can affect the club results – even if you aren’t a scoring runner for your club, your run could push down the scores of other clubs.

Saltwell WEE, 27th January

Saltwell WEE, 27th January

Map reservations for Kerstin’s event close at midnight on the 26th so get your orders in now! Full details including her email address are in the event flyer here. Maps may be available for entry on the night, but booking ahead is strongly recommended.