Trophy Cabinet
The club has a wide and varied range of trophies; details of the events and previous trophy holders are on the pages for the relevant competitions:
- Club Championship page and past winners.
- Winter Evening Event series and archive of winners.
- Summer Series Events page and archive of winners in seasons where a league was offered.
- Night Street League page and archive of winners.
- HOC League.
Images of all these trophies except the W10 club champion are gathered below. If you know any of the history behind them, do let me (Marian) know.
Two other trophies are awarded annually; the HOC Galoppen (awarded to the highest scorer in the West Midlands League) and Harlequin of the Year which is awarded by the Chair “on the basis of out-of-the-ordinary service to the Club”
The following trophies are awarded to the winners of the various categories at the annual Club Championships:

These two trophies are awarded to the leading man and woman in the Winter Evening Event series. However my spreadsheet notes calls then the MWNSL/WEE trohies which is confusing, as I assumed that the MidWeekNightStreetLeague became the NSL??

Our Summer Series is not currently run as a League; the archive of previous winners of the Summer league is here.

These are the Night Street League trophies. Originally there were three courses and the lampost (Men’s Open) was for the winner of the Long Course series. The Ladies Open trophy was orginally awarded to the winner Short Course series. This was usually a woman, but it does mean that Russ’s name appears on the trophy!

These Harlequin cats are awarded to the overall winners of the HOC league and were donated by the Bailey family.
The 2023 merger with COBOC added three trophies to the cabinet. The John Mansfield Senior Trophy was traditionally been given to COBOC’s for most improved Senior, the John Mansfield Junior Trophy” to the most improved Junior and “The Toby Norris Trophy” to the COBOC member with the highest WM League Score. They are note currently awarded. (January 2025)