Lickey Hills

Lickey Hills

A Country Park very popular with Birmingham residents; good visitors centre with play equipment, toilets, cafe etc. Curently “owned” by COBOC but often “borrowed” by HOC for Local events. Can be very confusing; the combination of multiple paths, ditches and steep slopes with mixed woodland is tricky. The Northern part of the area (separated by a fast and dangerous road) can be used for small Local events and is known as Beacon Hill.

Events held in earlier years:

14/12/2024Dnew date and social venue
Final Details (updated 8th Dec)
Results (pdf)
Results (html)
Simon ThompsonClub Championships
11/07/2024DDetailsResultsKaren ThompsonSummer Series
24/02/2024DDetailsResultsO: Mick Sadler
P: James Thomas
City of Birmingham Orienteering
18/06/2019DResultsSummer Series
06/12/2018DResultsWinter Evening Event
COBOC West Midlands League Event
O: Rachel Dearden, P: Richard Dearden, C: Colin SpearsWest Midlands League133
06/12/2012DResultsDavid WilliamsWinter Evening Event25
10/05/2012DResultsSummer Series52
07/07/2011DResultsJohn PearsonSummer Series32
27/05/2010DResultsJohn PearsonSummer Series39
25/06/2009DResultsDave WilliamsSummer Series42
15/02/2009Cwith BUOC203
04/12/2008DResultsCommentsJohn EmbreyWinter Evening Event18
26/06/2008DResultsJohn PearsonSummer Series41
17/05/2007DResultsMike BaggottSummer Series23
18/02/2007CO: Kath McMillan, P: Tess Hill & Kirsty Davies-Walters, C: Rollo Rumfordwith BUOC (WM League)294
02/05/2006DResultsTessa HillSummer Series27
21/06/2005DResultsGeoff TrewinSummer Series27
20/02/2005CO: Peter Broad, P: Frances Beedie, C: Colin Spearswith BUOC286
22/06/2004DResultsSimon Goodwin (BUOC)Summer Series30
11/06/2002DJudith EvansSummer Series20
17/06/2001DColin Spears102
11/07/2000DJulia FergusonSummer Series34
01/07/1999DMike BaggottSEE37
21/05/1998DNick BarrableSEE33
24/07/1997DAdrian BaileySEE27
28/05/1996DDavid WilliamsSEE31
01/01/1996CO: Allan Williams, P: Bob Robertson, C: Robert RoalfeTSB score champs173
19/05/1994DDavid WilliamsSEE59
19/09/1993DO: Lester Evans, P: Ian Hopkins, C: Pete ManancourtCATI269
22/07/1993DAlison SlomanSEE52
05/07/1992CO: Dot Keeling, P: Barry McGowan, C: John Pearson240
24/06/1992DRoger ManningSEE27
27/06/1991DAllan WilliamsBUOC run57
16/06/1991CO: Phil Presland, P: Robert Smith, C: Stuart PaulWM Relays267
26/04/1990DOliver CookSEE38
10/12/1989DO: Trevor Boning, P: Eddie Harwood, C: Pete ManancourtClub Champs 198985
21/06/1989DAndy IrvineSEE21
04/09/1988CDot Keeling315
28/07/1987DMark HemstedSEE27
03/04/1987DAngela ManancourtHOC Birthday event28
06/08/1986DPete ManancourtSEE27
09/07/1986DColin & Suzette SpearsSEE27
23/04/1986DPete ManancourtSEE27
15/12/1985CO: Mike Baggott+D.Carter, P: Gilbert Herbert, C: Stephen Cross (SOLOS)with SOLOS388
29/08/1985DColin Spears27
25/11/1984DEddie HarwoodClub Champs 1984108
16/11/1980DDick WellsClub Championships 19891
24/02/1974CGeoff Bell250
19/09/1971DTed Finch (BUOC)Club Champs 197120
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