Burlish Top results

Burlish Top results

The pdf is here, or scroll to down to view them in this post. Another great event from Kerstin, who says:

Thank you to all runners for bravely leaving your warm houses in rain and strong winds. It paid off,  we could run in almost sunny conditions and if anything, it was unseasonably warm!

I could not have asked for a better turn out, and it was lovely to see you all again. I am sorry about control no 4, not being in the right position, my fault entirely.

A few runner took way more than one hour, some had not read the instructions (Kuzie! 😊) some just enjoying themselves and getting their monies worth (Craig! 😊).

I had some strong control collectors, Dave A, Peter R, Jeremy, Andy H and Sebastian M. Also, some useful help from Dave A working the card reader when I was talking too much.

Amazing results from newbies: The Bylett family, Matthew&Claire, Alex H and Rob C. A special mention to Dan Muir who came straight from a night shift, impressive!

Next event is Night Orienteering on Barr Beacon this Thursday and of course a Level C in the Wyre Forest (Longdon) on Sunday. I hope to see you at both.

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