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Author: Harlequins Orienteering

Hartlebury Common, 20th January

Hartlebury Common, 20th January

Do you remember last February’s very special one-off event on Hartlebury West? If you do, you’re sure to want to enter this year’s equally special event on the lower part. And if you missed out, this is your chance to rectify that mistake. More details in the flyer, linked here and displayed below:

Alvechurch, 21st December

Alvechurch, 21st December

Alvechurch offers Night Street League runners over a millennia of history in a convenient score format. From a 13th century church with Saxon roots, Tudor cottages and Industrial Revolution canal engineering to roads referencing The Black Death, Sports Car factories, Morris Dances and misspelt Saxon Kings. All on the auspicious Winter Solstice evening! Full details in pdf format here, or scroll down to read on screen.

Sutton Park, 10th December

Sutton Park, 10th December

Octavian Droobers are hosting the final West Midlands League event for 2023 in Sutton Park on Sunday 10th December. Full details can be found here. For discounted Pre-entry, and to guarantee a map for the course of your choice, pre-enter by midnight on Sunday 3rd December; here is a link to Fabian4. A reminder of which course to enter to gain the maximum West Midlands League points for your age can be found on the WM League Rules page.

Club Championships – 9th December

Club Championships – 9th December

HOC members are cordially invited to the Club Championships in the delightful Uffmoor Wood. Details of the event are below, or via pdf here. You can read more about the rules and the trophies on offer on the Club Champions page, or study the all important Bert Pardoe handicap factors.

Ley Hill Park results

Ley Hill Park results

Thanks to everyone who came along and took part and helped in the Ley Hill Beginners Families and Schools event on 25/11/23. It took place in glorious sunshine. In particular thanks to Dave Ellis who planned the white to red courses and Andy Hemsted who kindly put out the controls on the day. The results are now available here. Ian Gamlen, Organiser