

The HOC constitution requires members to abide by the policies and rules of British Orienteering. Key Documents can be found here on the British Orienteering website. 

Documents A-Z

Documents Standard guides for event officials, other documents and proformas. Please note that these are edited copies of the original masters and are in .PDF form. Changes have been made in order to meet the needs of web publishing (formatting and removal of personal contact details). The documents on this site may not be the most up-to-date. The master documents are held by the club Secretary and/or the Event Support Officer. If you need access to an editable version of the document or would like to obtain the most up-to-date version – please contact the appropriate club official. Parts of these documents are based on information and documentation provided by the British Orienteering and any copyright on these parts still resides with them. Before using these documents please check the disclaimer.

1. James Thomas is Fixtures Secretary, responsible for registering all club events via the British Orienteering website. This provides insurance cover.
2. Permissions are now obtained by a team of Landlord Liaison Officers (LLOs). Their names and the HOC venues for which they are responsible are listed here.
3. Organisers should update James as more details become available about their event. The British Orienteering website provides invaluable free publicity.

New rules were published on the BOF website in Jan 2011. In future, Risk Assessment forms must be mentored and countersigned by either a) a coach or b) a controller or c) by a person with BOF Health and Safety accreditation. To help, HOC Event Series (WEE, SEE, etc) coordinators have been provided with a list of HOC coaches and controllers. Organisers should consult this to find a person qualified to check the Health and Safety aspects of their local event and sign the Risk Assessment.